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OIAM 3 Reviews - Top 12-

Friday, February 20, 2009

OK guys, we saw all the contestents' performance tonight. The show just finished and now i am writing my review about each of the contestents. First of all, generally speaking they were great and some of them performed amazingly. So lets talk about their performances and these are freelancers' opinions and not the judges opinions. So we are pretty sure about some of you might did not agree with us. But what to do? its freelancers' opinions. Lets start now...

First contestent was Anis. For freelancers she performed it quite good and energetic. But one thing, sangat bahaya sebab dier perform first. Usually first performer is very difficult to impress the judges. Agree with us? Because for me her performance was not so bad, in fact she hit the high note quite OK. But since she performed it first, it was difficult to impress the judges, except if you are really good in your singing. She is the youngest (or maybe one of the youngest), but the enegry level was good and the attitude on stage is good as well. Overall performance Good.
Score: 7.5/10

Correct me if we spelet it wrong. I used to be her song's fan. I like her song titled "ku berserah". As expected, she is an artist and she performed it very good. But she is still Amelya. We meant she is like in AF. We did not see any changes in her from AF. I thought and the shadow when she was in AF is still there. Kami cuba mencari sesuatu yang baru dari diri Amelya sepanjang persembahannya tadi, tapi kami gagal untuk mencarinya. Walau bagaimanapun, kami tidak menafikan suara beliau sangat baik dan picthing is prefect. As the judge said, it was classy and nice. Overall she got the talent and it was great.
Score: 8/10

First of all, we have to admit and confess he has husky and unique vocal. This is one of the powers by Simon. Just with the Guitar but he performed be wonderfuly and we can say this performance is one of the best tonight. Really...simple but the his vocal made it perfect. If you rewatch his performance, you can see....just like a professional singer...he didin't move around like the other but his performance was much better then the other. Once again, he has very new vocal in our music industry. We bet he is one of our favourite contestents.
Score: 9/10

She has a big voice. Maybe this is not unique anymore because last session, the winner also has a big voice. So..the freelancers' feel its not unique enough. But..even though she has a big voice she can veritize her vocal. What we meant, you can see she hits the not rendah with her big vocal and she also can hit the not tinggi with her big vocal. So this is very good of her. Not all singer can do this thing. But she did it tonight. However, we made a conclusion she did not show her real ability tonight. In fact, if you realize when she hit the part SEPIII.......we can't really hear it and a bit picthy. But she deserve to be place in top 12.
Score: 7/10

Firstly, her voice is very..very big and not really suitable to hit the lower part of the song. When she started the song, the begining is not so good. In fact, kalau you all perasan..masa dier cuba hit low not kan.....suara dia agak tawar. And then, maser dia cuba nak hit yang higher part of the song plak suara dia macam tak keluar. You know what i mean? Yeah....seriously....when she hitting the higher part it wasn't really good. Just ok. Seems like..the vical not natuarally come out. Just like.a bit tersangkut..or maybe we can say....not tinggi dia tak fluent. Anyway folks, you decide it. But i still enjoy her performance and it is powerful actually...but its not really natural.
Score: 6.5/10

OK folks, Rizu got the look and also the voice. Generally speaking he has a prefect package. However, based on his performance tonight anugerah yang dia dapat masa AIM hari tuh ibarat hangat2 tahi ayam. We are sorry. But if you rewatch all the performances, simon and esther is much better. In fact, pija, amelya and han also can beat him. Don't you agree? Well, its really up to you because thet is what the freelancers' opinon. It doesn't mean he didn't perform well, but sebab dia dapat anugerah AIM ari tuh kan? so we were expecting he should perform excelently or at least one of the best performances. But it didin't work for us. But we didin't deny he has a full package to be an artist. He has the look, voice and he is likeable. The performance was good but we expected more from him and he didn't reach our expectation.
Score: 8/10

We think among all the contestents, he has the real rockers. What we meant, if you realize most of the contestents they said "gaya rock"...but whan they sang the song it not rock enough for us. But this guy sang the song in his very..very own style and also very energetic. Paul said and we as freelancers reviewer also think Paul was correct. Maybe this guy is making a new fenomena for a few weeks with his you think Malaysian want to hear Rock Kapak along the concert? I DONT THINK SO. We were worried and actually we were assume that he might has the problem in singing balada or R&B. We know those kind of gerne is not for him. But as we said...he cannot sing all the rock kapak punya lagu for 12 weeks...otherwise the voters will get bored. However, his performence tonight was great.
Score: 9/10

OK, this girl nailed the song. She sang the song really different and its not MUH's version. Means this is female version. But this is just like Amelya...we didin't see the difference between pija mentor and pija oiam. Seriously...we want something new and different. But for us pija mentor and pija oiam is just the same tonight. However, the performance was really nice and really good. She controls and hits all parts of the song prefectly. And she really confortable on the stage which is very nice for her.
Score: 9/10

OK, for us his performance is just ok. Its nothing special. But maybe his style...but this is a competation to win one million Ringgit. If his performance is just like that, static with the guitar and the face expression is just ok...i dont think he deserve the one million Ringgit. We didin't deny he has a great vocal but it was a little bit "kejutan" when his performance is just like that. We are very sure he didn't show the real of him. He has a lot of things to show to the judges and to the audiences.
Score: 7/10

Han has a very great vocal. Her range is from female to male. If you remember, she sang Anwar Zain's song and she sang female song which is very incredible. She hits the higher parts of the song clearly and fluently. It was very good for her. She has a big voice and merdu also. Like the judge said, that song is very simple but she made it like a very powerful song. Moreover, one thing we like about her, sebutan sangat jelas. Among the contestents dia menyebut setiap perkataan dengan jelas. For example "kita" (some singers pronounced it "kitha"). Hope you know what we meant. After her perfermonce it was better then original singer.
Score: 9/10

At the few seconds of her performance we really didin't know what was that song. Actually it was better in time by Leona Lewis. We agreed with both of the judges. This girl has her own way to sing and the feeling was there. Seems like we can see the feeling was going out of his soul which is very incredible. Vocally, we defenatly say she has a great vocal. She sang the song in a very different ways from the original singer. It was Esther and not Leona!! The way she hits at some parts of the song, the vibrato, the face expression are totally different. In fact the music arrangement is a bit different. That is why we didn't know what the song was in the early part of her performance. So far, she has the originality. This song is one of the most difficult among the contestents but she sang it with her originality and style.
Score: 9/10

First of all, there is no "sengau" in his performance just now. Honestly, he proved to all Malaysians that he deserves to be placed in top 12. It was a great performance from him. But as uaual we expected more from him since he is an artist. And he just reached the expectation. It shows us that he can sing individually and not neccesary with his band friends. Congtrates to him!
Score: 9/10

Our top 5 list who performed greatly tonight.
1. Esther
3. Han
4. Pija
5. Tomok



1. Esther won the immunity in the first concert
2. Ayu was eliminated in the first concert
3. Amylea won the immunity in the second concert
4. Han has been eliminated in the second concert
5. Aweera won the immunity in the third concert
6. Pija has been eliminated in the fourth concert
7. Tomok won the immunity in the fourth concert
8. Anith has been eliminated in the fifth concert
7. Esther won the immunity in the fifth concert
9. Fify has been eliminated in the sixth concert
10. Tomok won the immunity in the sixth concert
11. Rizu has been eliminated in the fifth Concert
12. No immunity in the fifth concert and next concerts
13. Simon has been eliminated in sixth concert
14. Amylea has been eliminated in seventh concert
15. Nine has been eliminated in tenth concert
16. Who will win OIAM 3?
17. Tomok won OIAM session 3, first runner up is Esther followed by Aweera

AF 7

1. Tiada penyingkiran di konsert 1
2. Adilah tersingkir di konsert ke-2
3. Obri dan rini tersingkir di konsert ke-3
4. Rubisa dan Zizi tersingkir di konsert ke-4
5. Sidi tersingkir di konsert ke-5
6. Qhaud tersingkir di konsert ke-6
7. Aril tersingkir di konsert ke-7
8. Claudia dan Aishah tersingkir di konsert ke-8
9. Pengetua mengumumkan AFMASUK
10.Tiada penyingkiran di konsert ke-9
11. Lima pelajar ke final AF7; Hafiz, Aril, Isma, Akim, Yazid
12. Siapa juara AF7?

Mentor 3

Peserta mentor 3
1. Black - MAS IDAYU
2. Evo - JACLYN
3. Chaq - AJAI
4. Fira - LAH AHMAD
5. Keena - AWIE

Bintang RTM

Suku Akhir 1
Lulus: Nizam, Ernie
Suku akhir SMS: Shiqal

Suku Akhir 2
Lulus: Anna, Ikbal
Suku akhir SMS: Fara

Suku Akhir 3
Lulus: Eza, Zilla
Suku akhir SMS:Reen

Suku akhir 4
Lulus: Aina, Ziana
Suku akhir SMS: Azam

Suku akhir 5
Lulus: Fatin, Aida
Rayuan SMS: Has, Idayu, Shah

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