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OIAM 3 - Top 11-

Friday, February 27, 2009

Hello guys, the second concert is just ended. It was a worst concert. We think because of the songs selection. We have to agreed with the judges, it was really horrible song. The contestents look very old fashion. We thought, the contestents misunderstood with the theme. Because of the word "memory" they thought it must be an old song. Oh...come on!!!! that is the difference with people with talent but no high education and people with high education but no talent (not all but most). "Memory" is not necessary an old. It could be last year or maybe last month. Anyway, its done and cannot be undo anymore. So here is the review for tonight's performance.

OK, she choose the song which is not really great. The song doesn't shows her real ability. The song is just easy listening and nothing special with the song. There is no strength in that song. The only strength with her performance was she sang it differently and it was really nice. She modified the music arrangement and it was really creative. Her vocal was good and we love to hear it. However, the performance tonight was good. But actually we except more from her. But it didin't come.
Score: 7/10

Now this girl's turn. It was really worst from her. Sorry to her fans. But She picked very wrong song. She knows she has a very great voice but she picked a very old song. In fact, her appreance also very old fashion. We don't like the song. The song is not really suitable for a grand competation like OIAM. Besides, her performance also very bored. We would like she shows the judges how powerful her voice to hit all those high notes.
Score: 5/10

We were sorry but, what else Simon can do besides of "guitaring???". His performance was static and no movement at all because of his guitar. Next time what if he sings without guitar? We will see. Anyway!!! We decided his performance (vocally) was really great. This is what we called he choose a very nice song and really suit his voice. The husky - ness was really impressed us and the tone was prefect. The judge was right, we can listen him just like listening a CD. The pitching was really excellent...Score: 8/10

Sorry guys, but nine's performance was really bored. It was an old fashion. It was boring performance, very pitchy and also the song was really bored. We were expecting something new or something refreshing. But NONE!!! It was empty performance.
Score: 4/10

First of all.....another guitar????? Hehehehe..Pitching was great and the song was nice. It was slumber (easy going) performance and a rileks performance. It was simple, but were thinking whats great in her performance? We know the pitching was great and the song is nice. But lot of singers can do that. What special??? Anyway..we look it in looking for something different. But if we judge based on performance she did a great job.
Score: 8/10

Sorry, the vibrato was OVER.......Please control your vibrato Rizu. Anyway, in our opinion, he picked a right song. The song was really great and he delivered it greatly. But the new judge said he has dictions problem??? Mmmm....we do not think so. It wasn't prefect diction but its all right for this competation. Mmmm...we reconsider what Paul said, he was correct because Rizu'z facial expression looks arrogant. Anyway, we think the performance was great and also the song.
Score: 8/10

She has a very "lantang" voice and we love the song. But nothing special with her performance. I mean, just everybody can do it. It wasn't empty but just OK and nothing so special.
Score: 6/10

The performance was just right. He really has Malay dictions problem. Like mata, he pronounce it "matha". was bad..really bad as a malay singer. He is malay and he should pronounce it prefectly when singing a malay song. No more "sengau" from him and the vocal actually nice.
Score: 6/10

A PITCHY performance, He si not singing but he was screaming....really. He tried to hit the highest notes but just a problem for him. He controled the stage greatly. But for us it wasn't a good performance. What he has done with the song??? He ruined it. We didn't understand what he said.
Score: 4/10

She did a great job last week. But was really pitchy. She sang a big song. She can "handle" it. She tried to sing the song like the original singer. It was bad actually. Please sing your own not try to sing it like the original singer.
Score: 5/10

The last contestent that night was Fify. The intro was great. But as she going...she actually going down the hill. In fact in the middle of the song a bit pitchy. But she sang the song like her own sing and it was really different. We like it. But a bit flat the performance...not the pitch. Its just like okkkkkkkkkk.....
Score: 6.5/10

OK, after watched their is our ranking
1. Simon
2. Amylea
5. Anith
6. Fify
7. Tomok
8. Pija
9. Han
10. Nine
11. Aweera

The freelancers reviewer say: Simon's performance was better and the pitch was better then Amylea. We think, Simon should get the immunity. But Amylea did a great job as well!


Tengku Speki said...


my ranking


i still believe in aweera's vocal.. he is not feeling very well last nite..then how to scream correctly..!!

Andrik McVean said...

I think Simon is better then Amylea. He should win the immunity. But Amylea also did a great job tough...

Tengku Speki said...

you can take their pic at my blog freelances :)

Freelances Reviewer said...

Yeah,...thats your ranking...our ranking is different..thanks anyway..

Andrik...we think the same...


1. Esther won the immunity in the first concert
2. Ayu was eliminated in the first concert
3. Amylea won the immunity in the second concert
4. Han has been eliminated in the second concert
5. Aweera won the immunity in the third concert
6. Pija has been eliminated in the fourth concert
7. Tomok won the immunity in the fourth concert
8. Anith has been eliminated in the fifth concert
7. Esther won the immunity in the fifth concert
9. Fify has been eliminated in the sixth concert
10. Tomok won the immunity in the sixth concert
11. Rizu has been eliminated in the fifth Concert
12. No immunity in the fifth concert and next concerts
13. Simon has been eliminated in sixth concert
14. Amylea has been eliminated in seventh concert
15. Nine has been eliminated in tenth concert
16. Who will win OIAM 3?
17. Tomok won OIAM session 3, first runner up is Esther followed by Aweera

AF 7

1. Tiada penyingkiran di konsert 1
2. Adilah tersingkir di konsert ke-2
3. Obri dan rini tersingkir di konsert ke-3
4. Rubisa dan Zizi tersingkir di konsert ke-4
5. Sidi tersingkir di konsert ke-5
6. Qhaud tersingkir di konsert ke-6
7. Aril tersingkir di konsert ke-7
8. Claudia dan Aishah tersingkir di konsert ke-8
9. Pengetua mengumumkan AFMASUK
10.Tiada penyingkiran di konsert ke-9
11. Lima pelajar ke final AF7; Hafiz, Aril, Isma, Akim, Yazid
12. Siapa juara AF7?

Mentor 3

Peserta mentor 3
1. Black - MAS IDAYU
2. Evo - JACLYN
3. Chaq - AJAI
4. Fira - LAH AHMAD
5. Keena - AWIE

Bintang RTM

Suku Akhir 1
Lulus: Nizam, Ernie
Suku akhir SMS: Shiqal

Suku Akhir 2
Lulus: Anna, Ikbal
Suku akhir SMS: Fara

Suku Akhir 3
Lulus: Eza, Zilla
Suku akhir SMS:Reen

Suku akhir 4
Lulus: Aina, Ziana
Suku akhir SMS: Azam

Suku akhir 5
Lulus: Fatin, Aida
Rayuan SMS: Has, Idayu, Shah

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