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Contastents' choices to win OIAM 3

Thursday, April 30, 2009

This info comes from We were busy watching a video on youtube just now and one of freelancers asked me to go to gua. So we found this. Just in case if you all still don't are the contastents' choices to win OIAM 3.

Ayu - She choose Esther
Han - She choose Esther
Pija - She choose Esther
Anith - She choose Esther
Fify - She choose Esther and Tomok
Rizu - He choose Tomok and Aweera
Simon - He choose Tomok and Esther but prefers Esther.
Amylea - She choose Tomok
Nine- He choose Esther and Tomok

Most of the eliminated contastents choose Esther to be the next OIAM. Tomok is quite good as weel when got 5 votes and Esther received 7 votes. Aweera only received only one vote.



1. Esther won the immunity in the first concert
2. Ayu was eliminated in the first concert
3. Amylea won the immunity in the second concert
4. Han has been eliminated in the second concert
5. Aweera won the immunity in the third concert
6. Pija has been eliminated in the fourth concert
7. Tomok won the immunity in the fourth concert
8. Anith has been eliminated in the fifth concert
7. Esther won the immunity in the fifth concert
9. Fify has been eliminated in the sixth concert
10. Tomok won the immunity in the sixth concert
11. Rizu has been eliminated in the fifth Concert
12. No immunity in the fifth concert and next concerts
13. Simon has been eliminated in sixth concert
14. Amylea has been eliminated in seventh concert
15. Nine has been eliminated in tenth concert
16. Who will win OIAM 3?
17. Tomok won OIAM session 3, first runner up is Esther followed by Aweera

AF 7

1. Tiada penyingkiran di konsert 1
2. Adilah tersingkir di konsert ke-2
3. Obri dan rini tersingkir di konsert ke-3
4. Rubisa dan Zizi tersingkir di konsert ke-4
5. Sidi tersingkir di konsert ke-5
6. Qhaud tersingkir di konsert ke-6
7. Aril tersingkir di konsert ke-7
8. Claudia dan Aishah tersingkir di konsert ke-8
9. Pengetua mengumumkan AFMASUK
10.Tiada penyingkiran di konsert ke-9
11. Lima pelajar ke final AF7; Hafiz, Aril, Isma, Akim, Yazid
12. Siapa juara AF7?

Mentor 3

Peserta mentor 3
1. Black - MAS IDAYU
2. Evo - JACLYN
3. Chaq - AJAI
4. Fira - LAH AHMAD
5. Keena - AWIE

Bintang RTM

Suku Akhir 1
Lulus: Nizam, Ernie
Suku akhir SMS: Shiqal

Suku Akhir 2
Lulus: Anna, Ikbal
Suku akhir SMS: Fara

Suku Akhir 3
Lulus: Eza, Zilla
Suku akhir SMS:Reen

Suku akhir 4
Lulus: Aina, Ziana
Suku akhir SMS: Azam

Suku akhir 5
Lulus: Fatin, Aida
Rayuan SMS: Has, Idayu, Shah

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